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Claim API

Get Claims

This method allows you to get a list of claims available for a specific user.

$payload = [
    "perPage": 50,
    "page": 3

// The $payload parameter is optional.
$claims = TerminalAfrica::getClaims($payload);

Get Claim

This method allows you to get a full details for a specific claim.

$claimId = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$address = TerminalAfrica::getClaim($claimId);

File Claim

This method allows you to file a new claim when a package is lost or damaged.

$claimPayload = [
          'description' =>  "My laptop was damaged during shipment",
            'reason'  =>  "damage",
            'signature'  =>  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            'witnesses'  =>  [
              ["John Doe", "+2348000000000"],
              ["Jane Doe", "+2348000000000"]

$claim = TerminalAfrica::fileClaim($claimPayload);

Released under the MIT License.